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MIDI event is 2^7


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hi all,

i wanted to know, because i am not good in midi, if it`s possible to extend the resolution of analog to digital conversion. i read in the faq page: "Since the valency of a MIDI event is 2^7 (0 to 127) and the pot voltage goes from 0V to 5V, the voltage difference between each MIDI value step is 0.039V. That means, that MIDI value "0" is sent on a change from any voltage level to level 0.00V-0.38V, value "1" from 0.039V-0.077V, ... value "127" from 4.96V-5.00V --- in theory"

because if i want to control  data for a filter cutoff, 0-127 might be not accurate enough. or am i absolutly on the wrong trip here.

i heard somewhere that pitch bend data uses two byte steames and reaches twice  the resolution???

thanks a lot


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Hi Chriss,

most synthesizers (hardware & software) only support a resolution of 7 bit... also a physical pitch wheel normaly doesn't send values with a greater resolution, although the appr. MIDI event type allows 14 bit (I've tested this on several keyboards). However, it's planned to support 10 bit resolution with MIDIbox NG, but you have to wire the AIN modules and the pots/faders very careful with shielded cables in order to avoid jittering values - and you need a MIDI device which supports this resolution.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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