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Bootloading Question - MIOS crash...


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well, I have been battling this for a while now:

I was running mios 1.6 on these cores for a long time, and then updated to 1.7 making all of the necessary hardware changes. However - for some reason, I am unable to load 1.7 on to either PIC, from either core module. When powered on, I see 1.6 load, and then I get 2 rows of blocks on the LCD. Meanwhile, there is no sysex output after booting.

I should mention that 1.6 stopped operating at one point as well, after the code was tweaked so that I could use a different LCD display. The last time it worked was before the new version of 1.6 was loaded with the changed OS.

I am thinking I might want to reload the bootstrap onto these PICs  - can I do that with just the core module over midi? Or do I need the JDM module? Or should I just replace the PICs?


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I've screwed mine up a couple times too. AFAIK, the bootloader IS the real PIC programmer job. If that gets screwed up, it's out of the socket for a re-load. :'(   - I wouldn't think any of these tweaks could kill the PIC either.

If you haven't already, try that method where you throw it something right when the first row of blocks shows up at power on. I doubt that will work, but it's worth a shot.


PS- You know MIOS is at v1.8, right?

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Good that you got it back! I've hit the "mangled MIOS" wall several times since I replied to this and haven't been able to get a MIDI dump through at all, so it may be something to consider when working out the internal layout of a box. My programmer is connected to a computer only a few feet away, but the ZIF socket only holds up to 32 pins or something, so there's an adapter hanging off with a regular cheap DIL socket >:(  I'm not sure how long my PIC might keep all of it's legs.


PS- Keep in mind, I have been making quite a mess of some of the .inc files. I doubt this firmware damage is very common.

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