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well i'll be, i think it works!


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So it's clear now: there must be a weak connection between the +5V input of the SID module and IC2 (possibly the other ICs also).

Start measuring the voltage between J2:Vs (ground) and J2:Vc (+5V input). Thereafter follow the two power supply tracks with your probes in order to find the broken contact or connection. This should help! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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;D ;D

we are rollin!

I re-tinned, re-soldered the connection from core 2 sid and presto... :D

Thanks for time and patience T...;0 I'll get some pics to ya soon. I wonder if it worth trying the LCD again if, as you say, the driver for may have become stuck...

I don't even wanna touch now tho as it is ;p


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finally!!!  :D

I hope that it will work again after the next power-on ;-)

The LCD issue was  just a possible problem, normaly it works w/o problems (my SIDs are running since some months w/o any damage, although one of them is stuffed with a LCD)

Don\t forget to provide some new patches!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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def, patches will be shared amongst all ;)

so with the LCD - can i connect just a few pins to test it's okay? Before, as I said I had the backlight but no text or ne other form of info...

i did get a bit heavy handed with the soldering iron on it  ::), and think i fried a connection to the track on pin 15 of the LCD, but as this is +, and the backlight lits up I guess it's okay. right? so mebbe its worth using still?

who knows?, who cares! I have a workin SID damnit !!:)))

at least it one less thing to dremel out on the front panel  :P

Feeeeeeeel the SID...!!


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Decided to leave the LCD neways, was a bit of a squeeze in the lil enclosure I'm  using and besides, the ltc makes up for it ;)

Here are some early pic's of it...



I'll be adding some artwork later today (using decal paper)....

Apologies for the moody pic quality - only using a cheapo digicam....



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You made a nice job of that. Nice and tidy.I Like the leds.

Glad you got it sorted..........inspired me to get to the bottom of my SID stuff.

Plugged the SID into a new core and it worked. Then spent some time going over every connection looking for shorts. I found one.

PIC pin 9 + 10 were shorted. This happened after inserting the plug for the LCD. The distance between the pin header and the next copper strip is so small that when I plugged the lcd in I think the pin moved and contacted the strip...#$#%#^#&* :o :o

Now I have 2 cores that work ;D

I think I fried my LCD for sure :'( :'( :'(

Thanks for your help TK


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Hi Ian...

Good news about ur sid ;) gives me hope that the other core n sid i dun could breathe some sounds still - prolly just a dodgy connection as before...

Dont give up hope on the lcd, i hard soldered mine this time (tinning the wires first) to the pins of the header and low n behold it worked ;)...

Here's a few more pics of me SID with some top panel artwork added:



Will do a 8580 version too...;)



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Fine Ian - it seems that bad solderings are mostly the reason for the fails, so I can only suggest to check the connections again, again, next day again and again ;-)

You made a cool panel foil, Dan! Hopefully I will find a similar foil in germany for my control surface... :)

I will add the pictures to the gallery soon!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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well, i was aiming to follow the guide as done on S.Thomas' site using decal paper. The type i got however wasnt the same one as when i popped it in the oven it didnt exactly go to plan :P, and there was no mention of using an oven or placing toner side down on the instructions...

so i took a slighty diff route and printed on the decal paper mirrored, placing it toner side down on the panel, letting it dry out for a few hrs, then... (ahem) spraying the panal with a good few coats of  flux spray... ::) tho, i wudda used spray vanish/laminate is it was about...

neways, the final finish was pretty nice, was thinking of giving the top a light goin over with some fine steel wool to give it a more matt finish...but dont wanna rock this sid boat nemore atm...;)


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