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lcd troubles (again)


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ok, just got a new lcd screen (http://www.allelectronics.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?category=365&item=LCD-97&type=store)

i've wired it up and so far i get: backlight + 5v running throughout, but nothing on the screen. i've checked my connections, re-uploaded MIOS and apps, re-wired a few things, and still have nothing.

one thing that worries me is that nowhere in the datasheet does it say HD44780 compliant.

i'm wondering what i should look for next?

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Check the datasheet if the contrast needs negative voltage. Some LCDs do and the core is not designed for that.

i don't see anything about a negavite contrast voltage.

oh well, i guess i'll start over and re-wire the whole thing, maybe i missed something, or there's a bad line or something.

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