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only one single controller [newbie]


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I've just stumbled into the MIDIBox site, and I'm impressed by the endless possibilities to build your own MIDI application, and I've got numerous ideas...

but for the beginning, what I actually want to build is just one single controller using one endless potentiometer. The controller number might be fixed, just the value should be in/decreased. That's all.

Can someone possibly tell me if there is an even easier way to do this then using MIDI Box? Or what would be the easiest way to approach it by use of the MIDI box?

thank you all,


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Hey everybody!

I've sort of buried myself with projects and obligations lately and haven't been able to get in here much or work on my MIOS learning :'(

I hate to bring this back up, but number9's post reminded me of a request for an ability to control MIOS's "current pot" value with select buttons (I think this is the right thread)-


I was coincidentally thinking of something recently, very similar to number9's, but 'with' multiple control destinations for the knob. It would also require the "current pot select" function.

Say, if you wanted to map out a nice large mixer or parametric EQ's layout in your box, but didn't like the idea of snap mode and fixed knob indicators which wouldn't always be displaying the correct settings, and you weren't ready to tackle a whole panel full of encoders/led rings and the circuitry they would require- You could lay out a whole panel's worth of control parameters, with either an icon, a label, or an erasable scribble strip, with an LED indicator somewhere near the label, and one or more "navigation" buttons to get you from knob to knob. Best case would be lights *beneath* the icons or labels on translucent plastic or something. As you tapped around from knob to knob, the lights would change in sequence to show which item you were controlling. You could then have one nice big knob like number9 wants, with a meter bar, an LED ring, or just the LCD volume bar page to show you the value and/or parameter's name. For a small mixer or something, you could get 20 channels or more in one rackspace with a medium sized knob on an encoder. You could also probably squeeze lighted mute/solo buttons in for each channel, if you cut back the number of channels. You'd probably only have one "pot type thing" to try to mount, and an easy line of holes to drill for some LEDs. Despite the simplicity of it's construction, it would be powerful as crap and should be very quick to move around on.

I hate to sound lazy, I'm just still in the "caveman era" of my MIOS editing skill. I tinkered with accessing the current pot variable and with that multi-value button output idea that myself and some others were requesting a little while ago, but I made more mess than progress. I managed to get to a bunch of those areas and make changes, but there were always other parts of the source that they crashed into or which didn't acknowledge my edit >:(

I have a feeling this "knob select" button code would be a walk in the park for some of the assembler veterans in here. I'll have to get back on it if nobody else does. (I'm dreaming of a MIDIBox parametric)

                                                 - Take Care


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