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Up Load

the sound

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I Have a Core, Din and a 2 by 20 LCD Hooked up.

My PIC is Number 1 So I changed the SyxString (F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7) to

(F0 00 00 7E 40 01 01 f7) every were I saw it in MIDI-OX . Then I uploaded  it and on my display It went through the loading process and came up MIOS 1.08 then Ready

So all is good so far I think.

Then I go to up load {midibox64e} I changed the SyxString Again and upload

Now after rebooting I get

Loading Setup  p n

From Bank Stick ------    Flashing

So I am Stuck And have no idea what to do

I might of missed changing the Pic ID on one String of the midibox64e upload

Also is there a way to erase every thing but the Bootloader and start all over

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regardless if the application is running or not, you are always able to overwrite it with the first level bootstrap loader, which is active 2 seconds after power-on. So, just switch off/on the power supply, and start the transfer immediately. This will help.

Another point: I would suggest the use of MIOS Studio, where you don't need to change the device ID manually

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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OK thank You again

MIOS Studio worked great for uploading 1.8

I think I had a bad Optocoupler also

Now the LCD will say READY

I upload the midibox64e HEX file it will load and reboot

Then Hang on *format bank 1 for ever

I have Bank Sticks to use but have not connected them yet to keep it easy at first

Any Ideas

Thank You for all your help

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