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MIDIbox Frappr map


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pretty cool idea... some interesting things seem to be popping up on the web from them..

one of the handiest things by far ive seen from them; is the ability to save your links on google.. access them anywhere, anytime .. & no crashes or multiple browsers to cause headaches..

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this is true..

...I dont mind google having my collection of electrical, gadget & litriture orientated links ...and probably a trail of very boring search requests for components, books, films... and the likes. It does leave the question of how much information any company should have access to.

On that general note however.. i refuse to use store cards & other things which give retailers profiles of spending patterns.. wont be long (if not already) ..that this will custom tailor junk mail to your front door ...let alone more henus forms of herrrassment & invasiveness..

Something which is probably eviler than these 'passive' forms of information profiling ..has to be those -evil- RFID Tags Manifacturers & Retailers are hell bent on putting into & onto everything in the near future. (some are about already)

Any item with one of these detailed electronic radio readable barcodes can be read with no physical contact or consent being made ! ...some dont even require a built in battery - just powered off a 'carrier wave' signal from the reading device ...also some are gaining an exceptionally long reading distance capacity...

Its one thing to be concerned about the wealth of information carrying around these hidden devices could provide to 'official organisations' ...though, it leaves even more  to be concerned about with 'professional' criminals..

All they would require to profile you.. or a given area & its contents as a 'jackpot' bust (say someones house or business premises) - would be a reader device & knowlege of the codes assignations.. and if they have 'legitimate' reasons to be inside the area (say, service personel, or customer, etc) - they would be in even closer range, for concealed 'scanner'  to read 'everything'.. weather they can directly see it or not.

Herbal powered paranoia ? ..not in my case anyways - Could be the biggest free lunch criminals have ever had, if this ones not thought through carefully...

Hmm ...freedom of information ? ...to whom ? ;)

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