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long pot' cable ...?


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After many time in outerspace... 8)

I'm back...

With a simple question... ???

Who build the longest cable from the MBHP to the pots ??

Because i need to "deport" the pot to a long distance... and i need to know if someone did the experience !


PS: Thorsten , i'll do a review of my control glove on MBHP64 as soon i found a little time ...

RE-PS: A midibox controlled song of mine is on a french compilation : http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=songs;action=display;num=1046052967

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Some months ago I used a shielded cable which was longer that 3m w/o problems. At was a common audio cable for stereo, the shield should be used for the ground and Vss connection, the two wires for +5V (Vdd) and the AIN pin

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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