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midibox Sid: where to find LFO absolute values


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I am planning on customizing my midibox sid and would like to generate various midi signals (ccs, midi notes, clock etc) using the 6 lfos that are built into the Mios_Sid application.

I therefore need to be able to read the 6 lfo values at any time, convert them to 7bit and send them to tx buffer.

Please could someone point me to the 6 variables and need to work on? any ideas on converting them to 7bit (1-127 range)?

Thanks in advance!  :)


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Hi Alex,

the LFO values are 16bit values, which are stored in a special structure. Without loosing too much words (because I think that the data structure is obvious): with


you will copy the high byte of the LFO1 output value into the working register

with "clrc" and "rrf WREG, W" you can shift it to the right in order to get a 7bit value, which could be transmitted via CC

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Thorsten,

I'm proud to have a bit of my brain built into your excelent SID project  :D

I use the feature to animated 8 leds in a horizontal "night rider"  style to indicate the selected lfo rates.

My midibox Sid has a modular approach with software handled patch sockets to simulate connections between voices, lfos, enveloppes etc using patch leads.

I still have some bodywork to finish (lcd, pitchbender), and some software handlers to optimize but here's a preview:




I really hate having to sit in front of a computer screen to make music, thats why I'm trying to make my midibox synthesizers as independant as possible. This one will eventually have a little amp and speakers so it can be played in a computer-free zone!  ;D

thanks again for making our beloved projects a reality!



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