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midi time-out on boot


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okay, added the 32 pots and 8 buttons (both test f/w's successful) and then burnt the latest MB64 f/w, turned power on and I got a 'MIDI time-out! - What's Up ???' msg after the intial intro screen confirming f/w present...this is what was coming out the midi out port:


replaced the 6n138 - made no diff...

is this a connection problem?

I notcied the LCD also printed this, intermittent of the midi time-out msg:

[i.1] N 4.5   0_

________   0_

Itallic = guess at number - pixels were broken up...




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midi does seem to be cool tho, i burnt the ain test again and it's outputting correctly knob 1 gives out cc values (0-127) on cc64, knob2 cc65, knob3 cc66 etc...

so if midi appears okay with this test f/w what else could be the prob? what should the lcd display after u burn the mb64 f/w (after the boot-up f/w msg)?




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still no developments...:(

just to make sure - i'm using a dinx4 but with only 8 buttons on this box. buttons are connected to the first IC (other sockets left unstuffed but with 10k pullup resistors) - 4 buttons go to din J3, and the other 4 to din J4 - the gnd of all 8 to Vs on J3....

again with the din test f/w the buttons worked fine...

even tried a new pic - still gettin the message :(

what could it be?

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hi ian, yeh I saw that most too on whilst looking to see if any other users had this prob...

the xtal i'm using is 20mhz bang on (ordered from reichfelt using T's order list to make sure it would be the right one). Mebbe i should try replacing it - but wudnt i get the same midi timeout error when runnin the AIN and DIN test f/w's if it was the xtal? As i said, when using the AIN/DIN test f/w's midi output if fine and stable...




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lol ian... ;D

I was aiming for a few hrs but I just wanted to get this box out the way - I finally got the pots and buttons workin today/yesterday (what day is it :p) and this error message wouldnt leave my mind! I've put so much into these projects I have no option but to get them finished...which i want to do neways ;)

I've havnt even made a track in months as the aim of it all was to invest the time gettin the studio setup exactly how i wanted it - hence all these midi boxes...

I'm in England btw...

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Ok last shot at this from me.

Maybe you have either a dry joint or a crappy pot which is sending a trillion inputs during boot up and it can't cope, you know like when you have dirt in a pot and it scratches and stuff.

Does the test use all hooked up pots ?

getting down to the short straws now


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yep - all 32 pots to the AIN test good (values frm 0-127, no jitter) when i test with the AIN test f/w. Likewise with the DIN Button test f/w - 8 buttons all good (on DINX4 - 1st IC mounted, rest left empty but with 10k pullups)...

time for the midiman himself to enter then i guess - Thorsten... lazy-eyed newb in distress over ere mate, pls elp :P



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Hi Dan,

but it must be the 1k resistor, because "80 xx xx" events are only sent when the dump content is zero.

Which voltage do you measure between Vss and Pin RA4? should be ca. 5V (and not 0V)

So far as I remember you own some 24LC256 - could you test one in order to ensure that the BankStick interface works correctly?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Which voltage do you measure between Vss and Pin RA4? should be ca. 5V (and not 0V)


So far as I remember you own some 24LC256 - could you test one in order to ensure that the BankStick interface works correctly?

I'll try now...


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