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midi time-out on boot


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Hi Dan,

so: something must be wrong with the BankStick interface. Could you make a high-resolution image of the upper half of your board and post it here? This would possibly allow me to give you more tips

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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;D ;D

i ended up just ripping that core out and using an old one that i restuffed - working midibox followed!!

no more error messages ;) the bankstick doesnt appear to work still but i think thats down to me a) wiring the pinouts wrong, or b) killing the eeprom when soldering on the pins - who knows? i'll check, and check, and check...


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Finally...  :D

Perhaps some tracks of the not-working core module are not good enough, before you kick it into the trashcan you should try to fix the connections with small wires.

I must say that I still have respect for people who etched the boards by themself. I never did something similar, I always got support from friends with more experience in etching. Such imperfections during the first tries are quite normal - I would run into the same problems!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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yeah, it already had a few wires beneath due to bad tracks :P - I was using the PNP for etchin (my attempts with the exposing/developing way resulted in 2 cracked glass sheets - which were from the coffee table!, due to the heat of the lamp - the lady was not impressed :o) - but they didnt come out the laser as clean as i expected (prolly due to the toner cartridge), once etched the tracks were pretty grainy and un-even...

has/is been tough tho, i came into this with NO EE knowledge what so-ever! the reason i wanted to etch myself was cos I wanna make MANY midiboxes - in the hope of finally having a studio that is totally custom to how i work...and this is/has/will be possible to that supercharged genius of yours! BIGUP THE T! :D



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So here it is...;)






Made this as a primer before i tackle bigger MB64 and MBLC. Def pleased with it, gonna use it as a portable jobbie - might wack a handle on the cover :p kinda midi lunchbox stylee....



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