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V1.7303b Filter Mode Problem


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hi all...

since I've updated to version 1.7303b my filter mode button is controlling Keytracking. can't change the filter mode on the CS anymore :(

anyone else encountered this problem? or did I overread something?

so long,


PS: my CEM is working and I'm ust up to connect my AOUT_LC to the SID ^

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I´ve experienced the same. Was going to make a post, but I thought that i sould take more time to check things out myself first. Same prob here.. The the botton in cs_menu_io_tables.inc is set to filtermode


But it controlls the keytracking...

Strange things happen, but I guessit something simple we are missing...


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Yes, it seems that I oversaw this at the time I included the keytracking feature.

This parameter has shifted the Mode and Channels entries one to the right, which means, that the table in cs_menu_io_tables.inc has to be adapted accordingly

I will fix this with the next release. It could take some days, since I will also change the license...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thnks alot! :)

I wasn´t going to write untill i was completely sure that it wasn´t a mistake i made when i was setting up my control surface (thought it was the most likely)  Nice to know that it´s going to be fixed. :D

One again thaks for the great instrument!!


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