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pinout of 6N138? help please

tarzan boy

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Hello All,

After nearly 3 months of not working on my project for travel, I am back at home and my mind has forgotten something very important:

Which pin is "PIN 1" of the 6N138? Unlike the bigger ICs it doesn't have a little indented 'lip' to indicate its 'top', instead it has an indented circle in the top-left or lower-right; depending on how you look at it.

Now does this circle indicate the end of the IC that the 'lip' would normally be at, the 'top,' or does this circle indicate the 'bottom?'

I don't want to risk frying these little chips, seeing as i am so so very close to stuffing all the ICs and running my first test of my boxed SIDx4 with complete control surface!

thanks everyone


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