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LED/Thru/COM Module with MidiBox Link


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Hi all!

I build Midibox with 3 cores as MidiBox Link. I want to include LED/Thru/COM module, but I don't know if it is able with MB Link together. I don't want MIDIbox-to-COM, only LED monitor of MIDI mesages and MIDI Thru/2nd MIDI OUT. I'm not sure how to conect and if it is possible.

Thanks for reply


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You can do that on one LCD, onyl thing is following: MidiIn has to come from the first core (where the original MIDI In comes) and MidiOut has to come from the last core in the row (Link ending point). That´s all.

So three pins (V+/GND/MI) come from the Midibox link starting point, one pin (MO) comes from the last core.

*I think*  ;D


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Eeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr... I just explained...

See reply above. The LTC is connected to two different cores, it is NOT (as you might think) a part of the MBlink, it's more like lying parallel to it and copying just the defined In's and Out's. Just connect it like described and everyting should be ok.

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