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Skip step feature


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I am very interrested in the MIDIbox SEQ. It has many features that I like.

For instance the analog output option and 16 Encoders, the possibility of Saving patterns etc...

There is only one thing I miss. And that is the Skip step feature as we know it form the MOOG 960 module.

I have searched the Forum database and searched the MIDIbox SEQ site but I could not find that this option is supported/implemented.

I do not mean the Mute step option but rather the Step to be skipped maning that the effective sequence length will be reduced from 16 to 15 steps (if one step is skipped).

Will this be incuded in the (near) future? Or have I overlokked something.

I should add that I have no programming experience so it would be verry difficult for me to add it my self.

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Hey welcome aboard. The vX will do this one day, but I think it could maybe be implemented in the MBSEQv2 by using a certain step length parameter to jump to the next step instead.

Hey you can always learn how to program it! I would take it on board, but I'm already currently working on a keybaord matrix and FX controls and the vX and a seqv2 and a quad SID and an MBFM... aaand a partridge in a pear tree ;)

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Yes - a real "skip step" feature which allows to overjump any step could be built into MBSEQ V3 (hardware compatible version with new firmware), where I'm redefining the data structures and therefore will be free to consider such features.

Currently you can set the track length, so it's at least possible to skip the last steps of a track

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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