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urgent: still trouble with lc display layout


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Hi guys!

I havent been working on the midibox for quite a long time now Some time ago I posted the design of my frontpanel: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=5697.0

At that time I had problems figuring out, how to set the width of the channel strips. I am still confused about that and now I have the situtation that I have to send the design to the guy with the lasercutter within the next 3 days. Can anyone tell me how many digits I have to leave at the left and at the right of the displays?


<space?>|Chan1  |Chan2  |Chan3  |Chan4  |xxxbetweenxxx|Chan5  |Chan6  |Chan7  |Chan8  |<space?>

I don't need the beat/time because I have led-displays.

I tried display-pages 0-3 as startpages...page 3 has good spacings but it's still sort of messed up like...

XXXXXXX|Chan1  |Chan2  |Chan3  |Chan4  xxxbetweenxxx |Chan5  |Chan6  |Chan7  |Chan8  XXX

that means it's not symetrical.. 7 "blanks" on the left and 3 on the right. channel 4 also laps over to second display.

I'm sure you understand that I don't want to do mistakes when ordering the panel.

Please help me :)



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It's really difficult to answer your question, because in your case (no timecode elements required) I would strongly recomment to change the screen layout so that it matches with your needs. Thereafter you can answer the questions about spacings by yourself - everything is in your hand!

With the new C based version it's much easier to customize the layout of the screen, did you already try it? http://www.ucapps.de/mios/midibox_lc_v2_0_alpha1.zip

Modifications have to be made in lc_lcd.c, function "LC_LCD_DisplayPageSet"

Note that this alpha version is nearly complete, only the support for timecode LED digits is missing yet, since it requires to open my MBLC case for testing

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I allready expected that there is not the one right way :) My problem is, that the box isn't assembled yet and I have no buttons connected yet to test the functionallities. For that reason I don't know yet what "my needs" are. I connect the box to ableton and sonar, throw in some tracks and watch what happens on the display. I don't know what additional funktions and informations have to be displayed. My first thought was to have it all spread evenly, like in the layout I posted in the other thread but then I was told that there are additional informations which have to be taken into account. I just fear that I build the case, start working and then find out about functions I didn't know.

My intention here was to ask those who build a box with these displays about their experience. When I look at the pictures in the gallery there seems to be sort of "common sense" with 5 or 6 digits "hanging over" on each side.

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My problem is, that the box isn't assembled yet and I have no buttons connected yet to test the functionallities. For that reason I don't know yet what "my needs" are.

That's going to be a problem. You need to determine your needs BEFORE you build the box. Decide what you want it to do then assemble it based on those needs.

Would you buy a car and drive it, then decide what you want it for? It just doesn't work that way.


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Yes - please build and test all modules before ordering the panel, this can save you a lot of money if you never realized a panel layout before. Especially determining the right button/fader/LCD dimensions is tricky

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yes - please build and test all modules before ordering the panel, this can save you a lot of money if you never realized a panel layout before. Especially determining the right button/fader/LCD dimensions is tricky

thanks for all the help. the dimensions of the elements have been checked several times. printed them on paper and cut them out...

For the other aspect: It saves me a lot of money if I order all parts lasercut NOW for almost free, If I hesitate I will have to pay for schaeffer or similar. that's the reason why I said it's urgent and I don't have the time to test. If the panel gets messed up it's not for the money but for a very nice opportunity missed.

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