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MIDIBox CV and sustain


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Hello everybody :-)

I'm going to build analog polysynth using MIDI/O128 for keyboard scanning and connecting it to MIDIBox CV for driving voices. I have one question - does MIDIBox CV respond to CC#64 (sustain) messages?? (does it hold gate signals while pedal is pressed?)

If not, what should I do to make it do such a thing??

Thanks in advance

Adam St.

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OK. If that's not implemented, maybe I'll try to pass gate signals through latch, and use some logic to connect pedal input to this latch. Or look carefully into applications code and try to implement it - but I doubt I can do it - if there are any programmers who know how to do it, please write it here. But I think, that I'll just try to use some extra hardware logic.

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In cv_midi.inc, CV_MIDI_CC has to control a flag on incoming CC#64's (e.g. lets call it MB_STAT_SUSTAIN).

CV_MIDI_NoteOff has to be changed, so that the gate flag is not cleared so long the sustain flag is active. But the "intended clear" has to be memorized anywhere (e.g. in a seperate byte), so that the gates which haven't been released by CV_MIDI_NoteOff are cleared when sustain is released.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks. This algorithm is clear and certainly OK. Now I have to get more familiar with PIC assembly language and implement it. Or, if that fails, I have another idea. My synth will use Voltage-Controlled ADSR's, and will probably have six voices. So seventh or eighth channel of MIDIBOX_CV, or even digital out from MIDI/O can be set to react on CC#64, and when CC#64 is high, switch Release Time to longest value (which is about minute - long enough for standard playing).

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