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places for cases


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hi people,

i'm considering building a midibox seq.

i'd like to build it in a slim 19"-ish case somewhat like the nord modular g1 rack, or the acces virus, or like the seq Artesia built. ( http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=5818.0 )

so, about 16"/18" or so wide, and about 3 or 4u high. i'll make my own rack ears and decide later if will actually put it in my rack or just use it as a tabletop sequencer.

now i was wondering, do any of you know places to look for, or a relatively easy and tidy way build a sturdy case out of steel or aluminium (anything not wood or plastic anyway) that would suit my needs?

the problem with all 19" cases i come across is that they have the panel on the front, and not on top. this way i'd end up with a half empty box, and also it would only be fit for use in a rack, cause putting it on your table would have you on your knees in front of your desk all the time ;)

also these standard 19" cases usually have the rack 'ears' attached.

also i'm looking for a way to get nice square, transparent 'rubbery' backlit buttons like on that monome interface (i suppose you have seen it), i've looked into mec buttons but they turn out to be about 5€ per button if i'm correct, i think/hope that can be done for less.

but i think i'll open a separate thread for that sometime. suggestions are welcome anyway ;)


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