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problem uploading midibox_sid_presets_6581.syx


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my Sid is finished, all works perfectly ! But i still can't upload the Preset Bank #1 (midibox_sid_presets_6581.syx), the sysex file appears as 1 single message, so the sid don't have time to receive parameters. It does the same with the 8580 version.

I can upload any random patch bank, as the file appears as 128 messages (in sysex librarian, i'm on mac osX), but when i try to send the main patch bank (i downloaded on ucapps) the software don't wait for a sid reply, so it don't work...

any idea ? Why just this file ? Is the file so different ? (because i can also upload the small bank #2)

Thanks !

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I'm not a Mac user, but somebody reported that the "Syx Librarian" works fine:


Just increase the pause between messages until no new message is sent before the reply has been received from the MBSID

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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