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Tried to update to V1.9 - now nothing seems to work :-(

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I build the MidiBOX64 LowCost in the last month. Today was the day, I'ld start the box.

So I'd first installed the MidiOX an get the Signal from the PIC every two seconds. All seemed to be ok. The Pix is an 18F452 which I'd buyed @ Mikes Shop.

I'd downloaded the "mios_v1_9_pic18f452.hex" and tried to update the Pic. The first seconds all seems to be ok, the I'd received an error-message (Text like: Write protect in memory).

I tried to install an other Version of the update ("update_with_old_mios.hex") to rescue my system (hadn't got a burner). Now the Pic doesn't react. When I start the Update, the MiosSudio shows, that the first Block is sended, and then nothings happens.

Has someone of you an idea, how to save my Pic? The Sysex-Message isn't there anymore. (is it normaly when a System is insalled oder should there come an hint via Midi every few seconds two?)

Freetings from Germany / Hannovre sends


PS: Is there a chance to set the Pic back and install the Mios again?

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have you read the readme.txt from the new MIOS; there are several options for different situations; choose the right one.

you can burn mios again and again (no need to erase). i suggest you test which bootloader you have, and then follow the steps once more.

and get an lcd if possible! gives you some usefull feedback while troubleshooting

cheers, marcel

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red them, but choose the false HEX in the first try :o(

So I uploaded the correct in the second (and from this point I only get an Message

"timestamp ... us: Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7"). (one time, and again with everey new start of the core (PowerOff/PowerOn).

Is there a chance to build in a new Mios without a burner?

It woul'd be great (would like to test the Mox on Stage and the chance therefore is on wednesday).

Greets from hannovre,


PS: Had now build the display and connect it to the Core. It's an Display with two lines, the frist line is blank, the second line is black. Now signs or hints :o(

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i didn't mean burn mios but uploading mios over midi with miosstudio; like i said try it from "D) checking if Bootloader V1.1b or V1.2 is installed"

if this doesn't work you do need to burn it again (with the bootstrap) (or you have a midi hardware problem)

cheers, marcel

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Hi and thank you - I've now the bootloader and mios on the PIC (MiosStudio said this).

But there's the black row again (think she's on the top, not on the bottom) and no other text.

The Pic don't send any Midievents.

Do you think, I've to burn again or is this the normal fault and I've to upload a Hex with the configuration now before something is to see? (searched in den FAQ/Guides, but there are some things, I'dnt understood).


Andreas :o)

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You still get an upload request during power on, this is your luck! Be very carefully now, so that not the same disaster happens like here: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=6560.0

First you need to revive the old MIOS version by uploading the mios_v1_8.hex file (it's available here: http://www.ucapps.de/mios/mios_v1_8.zip

Thereafter upload the pic18f452\midi\update_with_old_mios.hex - please don't try any other file of the update package!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Tom,

thank you for ya infos. Shit, read them to late (maybe).

Had made some tries (becaus have no burner here and need the box on wednesday).

Had test the Version d) (test with old mios) and then get an "UploadOK". So I'd installed the Application (Midibox64). Now I don't get a new Upload-Request but an

"timestamp ... us: [D0 1A] channel 1: key pressure D1 pressure: 0"

Had tried to upload your 1.8-Mios, but there's no startmessage from the core :-(

So I must burn the PIC again? Or is there an other chance to save my Core? :-S

Greetings (and thanks for any hint else),


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Stop, it works (a little bit). Had uploaded the V1.8 without core-feedback + 750ms waiting-time and get an Upload ok.

My core send not a SysexMessage F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7 every two seconds.

Then I uploaded the V1.9 with core-control and it works to.

Only my display show again (was never opposite) the black line.

I'll studie the first steps now again and will see, if I made a mistake. (Don't want to risk a application bevore I get the "ready" on my display.

Thank you :-)

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Only my display show again (was never opposite) the black line.

just to be sure, turn the contrast trimpot down, i've had lcd's that were readable with  contrast way up, but recently had one that wasn't... had me fooled for a while. :P

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Just to ensure: when you are trying an upload of pic18f452\midi\update_with_old_mios.hex now, which messages are sent by the core?

I would propose to post all messages of the MIDI In monitor here (use copy&paste) - this helps to understand, in which state your PIC is now.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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