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can't get encoders to work ..


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I am doing a midibox64 implementation and want to connect a few encoders .. I am using the ones SmashTV sells on his site.  By default when I connect them to DIN, they send sorta random messages.. basically cause of the nature of the encoder, it sends both pins at the same time for every turn ... i tried editing the tables file .. i am also using smashtv's version of the DIN module so all the pinouts as they appear in the wikis and such don't really apply (but are close enough).  Am i correct in understanding that if I have 2 encoders connected to chip #2 on the only din i have going in then it should read like this:



the rest of them are EOT entries.. as I play with these, i get various results (sometimes what the encoder sends is garbage on all channels).

I have also tried midibox_lc and 64e all with the same results...

for those who know which encoder it is i'm using, i'm connecting the middle pin to ground and the outside pins to the the various din pins.


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don't use mb64 but mb64e ???



why backwards? (not saying this is a problem), and now you have 2 encoders on one side of the SR yeah, you can do 4 per SR.

cheers, marcel

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I tried it in correct order also .. and for now i only need 2 encoders anyway... so far i've tried every config and i get 1 of 3 results

result 1: nothing at all when i spin them

result 2: signals both directiosn on either turn (functioning as a button i guess)

result 3: signals just about every channel there is on every click .. i get like 40 midi events on every click

any ideas?

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Did you try this with the midibox64e application?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

I tried MB64, 64E and LC - none of them could get my encoderes to work

can someone post the EXACT steps invovled to getting 1 encoder working completely in either 64 or 64E (including any necessary code changes and pin-for-pin soldering using 1 encoder like the type sold by SmastTV ) ??

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