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Noob question about MIDIbox Seqv2 behavior


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First, I have to thank all of you guys for this great project and forum. I'm a electronics/computer/music enthutiast with a bit of programming and heavy in electronics skills. Maybe I can help in something someday. :)

I was surfing the net for a software step sequencer when I stumbled upon this project by accident. Yay!! ;D Since this is my first experience on step sequencer, please understand my ignorance.???

My question is: Does MIDIbox Seqv2 operates some what like the step sequencer in Linplug's "Octopus"? Or is it similar to Linplug's "Albino".

Basically, what I want to do is, if I press one key in the keyboard it would play a bass sequence, not a chord of that key. Example: Pressing middle C will trigger C3 > F4 > D4 > E4 > D4 > C4.

thanks in advance.. docbrown :)

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hey and welcome,

just to be sure; you know that this is a hardware project/sequencer right?

the mbseq is a step sequencer/arpeggiator/+++ which is optimized for live playing/editing;

you can control every parameter of every step while playing (muting/cc#'s/notes/etc)

read on at the ucapps pages for full specs.

Basically, what I want to do is, if I press one key in the keyboard it would play a bass sequence, not a chord of that key. Example: Pressing middle C will trigger C3 > F4 > D4 > E4 > D4 > C4.

you mean a midi keyboard right? if the seq track is in arpeggiator mode, it does exactly that.


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Sorry for being vague, just to clarify things:

Yes, I am aware of this being a hardware..

Yes, I am using a midi keyboard..

thanks for the feedback illogik, it kinda helps.. Still confuse, about the differrence between Arpeggiator and Step sequencer. I'm just used to a regular sequencer like the Alesis MMt8, Kawaii Q80, and the like.

thanks for the patience guys.. ::)

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Makes sense now about the arpeggio.  I also did a little bit more of research about step sequencer in the net, I kinda got the idea about the difference between the two now.

FYI, I diving in with guys on this awesome thing. I just place an order with SmashTV for kits and encoders!! You guys ROCKS!!


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