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After exactly (!) four years, the time had come to update the official layouts of the MBHP_CORE and MBHP_SID module based on the requirements, which came up during this period, and based on the progress of SmashTV's improved board versions, which I've taken as inspiration (a 1:1 copy was not possible due to the different dimensions and the double-layer design)

Especially for people who are going to build a MIDIbox SID with the old board design I'm sure that it won't be so easy like before to determine the right wiring between the core and the SID module, since most interconnection diagrams are now refering to the new pinnings. But this situation should be settled sooner or later once the next generation starts with the new "perfect layouts" - which doesn't include all these interim workarounds anymore.

For your convenience, I've created two special pages which contain the docs to the old boards:

  -> http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core_old.html

  -> http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_sid_old.html

The new docs can now be found under:

  -> http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_core.html

  -> http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_sid.html

(if you've visited these pages in the last days, you propably have to push the "refresh" button of your webbrowser)

In addition, the final MBHP_IIC_MIDI layout has been released:

  -> http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_iic_midi.html

Thanks goes to SmashTV, who has created the MBHP_IIC_MIDI layout, and to Mike, who has supplied me with free prototypes! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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