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Documentation for MIOS?


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This is not correct, and I must say: I'm also out of the game; it doesn't make much fun to "discuss" with somebody who ignores most of the previously written stuff. Hope that you at least know, that MIOS is copyrighted and especially not allowed to be sold via Ebay...

My last hint: you can easily find out the real behaviour by doing some experiments on a MIDIbox.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

You are a very worse teacher! You need to have more patience!! I suppose I have to look for a better teacher! Bye!

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Yo, keep it mellow dood, if TK can't teach you noone else around here is likely to step up.  All the information you need is right at your fingertips, right here in this forum!  Have a little patience, learn to expiriment and develop your own answers, this way adding to our knowledge base!  You are close in your understanding of what the deadband does and how the functions affect it, but since I myself am not completely clear on what you are having the most trouble with I can only explain it like this.

When MIOS sends a signal to a motor fader there is no way for it to determine an *exact* position where the fader will stop because the electronics that control the motor are only so precise, and therefore there is a certian "resolution" to the movements MIOS can make.  Follow this example:

-Fader A is currently set to 0, at the bottom of it's range. 

-MIOS determines that the fader need to be at 75%, so it begins sending the motor a series of pulses which move the fader and at the end of each pulse MIOS reads the value of the fader to see if it has arrived at 75% yet.  The problem is that the amount of movement per pulse sent to the motor cannot be precisly controlled, so that a situation like this is likely to occur: at the end of a pulse the fader value reads to be 74%, so another pulse is sent, however, this puts the fader at 77%, so MIOS again sends another pulse (in the reverse direction), however, this brings the fader down to 73%.. and MIOS sends another pulse.. now we end up at 76%.  This can and will go on indefinatly, so in order to stop this oscillation the deadband parameter sets a certian range for which MIOS will consider the position to be good enough.  SO, lets go through the above example again, but this time with a deadband setting of 6%.  At the end of a pulse the fader value reads to be 74%.  We are looking to get 75%, but with a deadband parameter of 6% any value between 72% and 78% will be considered good enough by MIOS, so this time no more pulses are sent, even though we have not actually made it to 75%.  The deadband does not set the "increment value" so that the fader would move 6% at a time, the fader still moves smoothly.

Now, to my understanding the deadband is not set in percentage values so you cannot use the numbers I have used literally.  You will have to do some expirimenting and *reading* on your own to get this all figured out.

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Yo, keep it mellow dood, if TK can't teach you noone else around here is likely to step up.  All the information you need is right at your fingertips, right here in this forum!  Have a little patience, learn to expiriment and develop your own answers, this way adding to our knowledge base!  You are close in your understanding of what the deadband does and how the functions affect it, but since I myself am not completely clear on what you are having the most trouble with I can only explain it like this.

When MIOS sends a signal to a motor fader there is no way for it to determine an *exact* position where the fader will stop because the electronics that control the motor are only so precise, and therefore there is a certian "resolution" to the movements MIOS can make.  Follow this example:

-Fader A is currently set to 0, at the bottom of it's range.   

-MIOS determines that the fader need to be at 75%, so it begins sending the motor a series of pulses which move the fader and at the end of each pulse MIOS reads the value of the fader to see if it has arrived at 75% yet.  The problem is that the amount of movement per pulse sent to the motor cannot be precisly controlled, so that a situation like this is likely to occur: at the end of a pulse the fader value reads to be 74%, so another pulse is sent, however, this puts the fader at 77%, so MIOS again sends another pulse (in the reverse direction), however, this brings the fader down to 73%.. and MIOS sends another pulse.. now we end up at 76%.  This can and will go on indefinatly, so in order to stop this oscillation the deadband parameter sets a certian range for which MIOS will consider the position to be good enough.  SO, lets go through the above example again, but this time with a deadband setting of 6%.  At the end of a pulse the fader value reads to be 74%.  We are looking to get 75%, but with a deadband parameter of 6% any value between 72% and 78% will be considered good enough by MIOS, so this time no more pulses are sent, even though we have not actually made it to 75%.   The deadband does not set the "increment value" so that the fader would move 6% at a time, the fader still moves smoothly.

Now, to my understanding the deadband is not set in percentage values so you cannot use the numbers I have used literally.  You will have to do some expirimenting and *reading* on your own to get this all figured out.

Thank you for your reply. I will meditate about what you said tonight and make up my mind up about this. The problem is, that I want to know precisely what I am doing (maybe becaus I study computer science and mathematics??). To make an assertion based on experiments is simply not acceptable for me. I need to know it exactly!

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Every big discovery has been achieved trough experiments. You of all people should know that if u r studying computer science. You do have programming, right. Does the compiler tells you (when it finds an error in the code) "Yo dude, there's an erra', the exact code should go like this..."? No! Or even worse, when you have a runtime error, program is succesfully compiled but not doing what it is written for. Then you have to track down error by your puny little self because YOU DONT KNOW WHAT U ARE DOING EXACTLY!

On the other words, if you don't get this last moogah's explanation then we the "computer scientists" are soo sory to have such a specimen among us.

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I need to know it exactly!

If you want to know exactly, you have to learn to read exactly.

You are a very worse teacher! You need to have more patience!! I suppose I have to look for a better teacher! Bye!

If you want somebody to have patience with you, you have to learn to be polite.

It's nothing but ridiculous insulting the founder of this community.


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Here my teaching words: successfull scientists are not the guys who only have a detailed knowledge about everything they are doing, but the guys with good social skills.

If you would communicate with people in a friendly and respectful way, you could get more useful informations than just demanding for details in a rude way which don't really bring you forward. Some of us have already noticed this, and therefore didn't spent much effort to help you (thanks Moogah and all others for your patience!).

If you wouldn't focus too much on details, but if you would start a chatter about a certain topic in a normal way, like you would talk with reallife people, then you would propably already have experienced, that perhaps Traktor doesn't support resolutions higher than 7 bit (this was at least the state in R4), and that this has to be evaluated first with a newer version (R5 or higher?). You would propably also already know, how to determine 14bit capabilities, and where to find ready made programming examples for 14bit MIDI messages, etc... these are the small but important details which cannot be read in any documentation, but which can be easily found out by asking the right questions to the right people at the right time with the right words.

Keep up learning!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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The problem is, that I want to know precisely what I am doing (maybe becaus I study computer science and mathematics??). To make an assertion based on experiments is simply not acceptable for me. I need to know it exactly!

Then certianly you know that scientists use expirimentation to go from what they know, to what they don't know!  Stick with it, the real fun begins when you get some hardware on the bench and start measuring what happens!  Knowing everything up front just guarantee's that you won't discover anything new along the way ;)

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