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About tos

  • Birthday 09/23/1983

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    Novi Sad

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MIDIbox Addict

MIDIbox Addict (2/4)



  1. Wicked. Good simple wiring. I'd like to see Edison rock out on this one.
  2. /__PING /__PONG\0,s\0\0Traktor-name\0\0 #bundle\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x1\0\0\0\x[SIZE] /Traktor.MasterVolume\0\0\0,f\0\0? /Traktor.Mix.Play\0\0\0,f\0\0\0\0\0\0 /Traktor.XFader\0,f\0\0\x3F\0\x80\x80 /Traktor.Deck0.EQHigh\0\0\0,f\0\0\x3F\0\x80\x80 /Traktor.Deck0.EQHighKill\0\0\0,f\0\0\x3F\0\x80\x80 ... Just because Ableton is (retarded)disabled to MIDI input doesn't mean that OSC is obsolete and that we should all go back in time by converting HID and OSC data to MIDI. On the other hand I can't see the need in ableton for a high-er resolution faders/pots (correct me, I know you will). DJ software needs high resolution control for PITCH faders and SCRATCHing. And probably not anything else. One of the solution is converting "high res midi message" to OSC or HID depending what your application can comprehend.
  3. It is not a fracking mixer, stop calling it a mixer. Mixer needs audio input and audio output. It is just a controller. A controller that needs extra software layer to work. I don't like layers, it makes the whole setup less reliable. I support dstamand, we CAD and we DID a lot more with MIOS and C firmware. Thank you.
  4. The colors....THEEE colors....the world will never be the same now.
  5. I liiike'em. I have always loved those foam(and such) cable managers.
  6. You can use this piece of board for interfacing 220V Lamps to a DOUT module. I haven't tried this yet as until now, I was using native discolitez hardware but the need of usb interfacing made me thinking the same way you did. Laptop->USB->MIDI->MBHP->DOUT->DiscoLitez->Lights (I'm worried about the lag though....) Also the "USB->MIDI->MBHP->DOUT" can be swapped with "*duino" probably.
  7. There is a nice thread around here dicussing the problems and possible solutions of OSC. We managed to involve TK in the discussion. So far the best solution is to use a separate board/"piece of hardware" that will convert MIDI messages to OSC. This way it would also be quite universal...maybe built with a midi merger would be a MIDI to OSC patchbay of some kind(....and one to Ethernet'em all....).
  8. Good thinking about chnaging midi channel to select what (layer of) deck(s) the controller is controlling. Leave the MB64E and use MB64 written in C, it is enough for your use, trust me. MB64 CAN have encoders with just a little change in the project configuration files (you cn find examples all around the forum). I'm having the very same idea about my controller.
  9. Nice wood-work.
  10. Usefill data. Tnx man, a real contribution. The price is a wee bit uggly.
  11. The funniest thing is that the girls LOVE it.
  12. tos

    Wow! New skin?

    OK, it took me about 20 minutes to find out how to do this properly. The valid link (for gReader) is: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?type=rss;action=.xml;sa=news;limit=255 It pulls only forum topic first post and pulls last 255 (if there is enough). If you put "sa=news" after the limit, the feed wont be reckognised by gReader (but opera reads it well). Note: for general forum feed, someone should add "limit=%X%" where %X%=20..50. That was the problem with some posts beeing skipped as default limit is last 5 posts/replies(!). If you set your feed reader to check every hour...lots of skipped posts. stryd_one, as usual, 10x for RTFM instead of me.
  13. tos

    Wow! New skin?

    RSS-related: I like LOVE per-section rss feeds. Tell me if it is possible to limit feeds to just creation of new posts (not to include replies). The old system cluters-up really fast and it is not easy/simple to parse that amount of information in a timely manner. Consider this as vote if so. (edit: typos)
  14. Ow I had fun with FTPro! There really is a problem with getting the drivers to show "connected" but nothing that can't be sorted out with a few reboots. The real problem was that "dying-once-in-every-hour-during-the-gig" which I have accused first the electrical instalations, than the laptop charger and in the end I had no idea what was causing troubles. Everyone say that MAUDIO has good tech support if you have enough paitience. Haven't tried that ball. www.audioforums.com have a good M-audio related section where I've found a discussion from ppl with similar problems. One of them had this kind of issue. EVERY TIME he turns on the lightbulb in the bathroom(a prefect testing environment), the soundcard dies. Deducting various equipment variables he got down to electrical-sensitivity to impulses that are sent back from the speakers trough the audio cable. The card was dying on him even when the speakers were turned off but connected to soundcard. I still don't have solution to this as I dont-have/can't-reproduce this kind of problem @ home and not enough money to experiment with things that come into my mind: (quality)galvanic decoupler, small mixer between sndcard & amp, SPDIF to line converter.... Solution to dying was to turn off traktor, power-cycle the soundcard, turn traktor on. MAUDIO isn't that bad. I mean, for the price you get some good hardware and low latencies. You can't blame everything on them because you tried to install your soundcard to uncompatible vista or xp that you have for ages and use for internet, gaming, pr0n, etc. Some soundcards are good some are not. I love this one though it is sensitive and delicate, it is not maudio's fault that someone made a crappy amplifier. I guess that on the set, soundcard ain't something that goes straight to the PA. You have at least one mixer inbetween. EDIT: typos
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