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PIC16F88 Programming Adaptor


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Question about the PIC16F88 programming:

The description of the adaptor to go from a 40 pin programmer to 18 pin programmer looks fairly easy.  However, it only references using the MBHP_BURNER as the 40 pin programmer.  I've always used, (and only built), the JDM Programmer.

Will the JDM programmer work with the PIC16F88 adaptor?  Has anyone tried it?

Thanks for any answers.

I'm extremely interested in the MidiBox Router application as I have many midi inputs but not many interfaces to my computer.  Cable rearranging everytime I want to try something, (and then testing the rewiring), doesn't lend itself to creativity.  The MidiBox Router would be a great put it all together and leave it that way solution, I think.


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besides the fact, that I'd say it's really more fun burning with the new MBHP_Burner (and if I'm burning once in 6 months that's a lot!), I'd guess the software is the bottleneck.

I think, there are compatibility reasons (maybe with special required voltages), why you have to use:

- P18 for PIC18F on MBHP_Burner

- PBurner for PIC16F on MBHP_Burner

- JDMBurner for PIC18F on JDM_Burner

You could check if JDMBurner supports that PIC16F-Type, if it does and the voltages match, I'd try it (or wait until someone replies who knows it for sure ;) )

Cheers, Michael

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OK IC-Prog ays it supports both IC's... However for PIC18F452 support, it says that the PGM pin should be pulled to GND.... Now on the http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_jdm_expired.html page down the bottom, it is shown how the pin can be pulled down (apparently this is only a must-do, for the first burn, when the chip is completely erased). It seems that this is not absolutely required for the 16F88, but I don't think it would hurt.

So anyway by all means this appears as though it should work... but I don't know enough about these things to say so for sure.

So it looks like I'm going to have to start making my own PCB's so I can make a burner module :( D'oh!

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Mike has MBHP_Burner PCB's, the parts are quite inexpensive and after I found out that cheap PSU's deliver sometimes more than 12V, this has taken me one or two hours and maybe 5 to 10 eur :)

(I think I've also seen a breadboard plan flying around somewhere here...)

And I had to burn more than twice with the JDM before the PICs were okay, and it took such a long time (1%..2%..2.5%... ..and..so..on..89%.. ERROR!).

Witch MBHP_Burner it's Chip-in, press-burn, Chip-out, done :)



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  • 4 months later...

I didn't think it would work, but I just successfully burned a PIC16F88 with my trusty old JDM burner and WinPic800. Haven't actually tried the IIC MIDI app yet, but it verifies OK. I added an 18 pin IC socket to my JDM and wired it up like the adapter published here.

I've also burned the PIC18F4620 successfully as well... so if you have a JDM burner that worked fine for PIC18F452 chips, then give it a go with the other ones and you might not need a new burner!

btw, WinPic800 is really fast too... I don't know what magic it does, but I've had none of the hassles I had with IC Prog...

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  • 2 weeks later...

One little problem with WinPic800: The ID it burns into the PIC appears to have each pair of bytes swapped around!

Of course you only notice this if you're burning something other than all zeros!

I discovered this while burning the bootloader 1.2 with the right bits for IIC MIDI... it would still transmit the upload request on the TX pin! So I uploaded MIOS and the change_id app and then changed the bits for IIC MIDI, and read it back with WinPic800.

Here's what I've learned so far:

An ID in WinPic800:

0000 | 0000 | xx00 | yy00


yy = MIOS Device ID

(I will cut'n'paste this to the wiki!)

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