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I have problems with jittering; Connected 16 pots to MB64, and when I finish moving pots, I let MB alone and after some 10 secs, last CC changed start jittering. Not much at all, something like:







So it only jitters a little; Not a real problem with applications but it can be pain in the ass if you want to use 'learn' function of host application. In some cases this doesn't occur at all, but I was not able to figure out the reason why. Dynamic jitter filter doesn't fix this. Pots are on 25 cm cables to AIN, and connected 'starlike', like shown on Tor Arne's site. Pots are 10K.

Is there any rule or something for grounding unused pot inputs of the AIN, or any other tip regarding this? Thanx.

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Is there any rule or something for grounding unused pot inputs of the AIN, or any other tip regarding this? Thanx.

Yes! From AIN PDF:

if you leave out a 4051, clamp the appr. analog input (J5:A0, ... J5:A3) to ground!

Also, if ur only using 1 AIN module clamp unused pins of J6 on the core (what the AIN goes to) to ground as well...



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Pots are on 25 cm cables to AIN, and connected 'starlike', like shown on Tor Arne's site. Pots are 10K


I'm on the way to solder my 64 pots... and wondered about the StarLike cabling for 0-5V.

There's only one connection on AINx4 modules (J7), so one wire would go to the first pot and then make a bride to the second, then to the third  ???

If someone could provide a picture of a working cabling, i'd apreciate  :)

thanks, RAF

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thanks thorsten, but i'd previously seen this picture. In fact i meant a "Photography"  :-[

Because As i see in this picture (drawing) it's like there is a lot of cables leaving the ainx4.

would someone open his MB and take a detailed photo ?

sorry for the mess.


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my MB64 differs from others - PS is on another board and 5V is delivered to the CORE from circuit with 7805, etc. Capacitor is 25v 3300uF, and the voltage to the CORE varies from 5.02-5.03V. Is this ok?

Another thing: I selected 'snapshot at power on' in vmidibox; When I monitor in midiox messages sent by MB on startup, I receive this:

     13621 GMe --    176     0    89    1  ---  CC: Bank MSB          
     13621 GMe --    176     1    98    1  ---  CC: Modulation        

     13621 GMe --    176     3    92    1  ---  Control Change        
     13621 GMe --    176     4    91    1  ---  CC: Foot Controller   
     13621 GMe --    176     5    55    1  ---  CC: Portamento Time   
     13621 GMe --    176     6    26    1  ---  CC: Data Entry MSB    
     13621 GMe --    176     7    43    1  ---  CC: Volume            

     13621 GMe --    176     9    47    1  ---  Control Change        
     13621 GMe --    176    10   105    1  ---  CC: PAN               
     13631 GMe --    176    11    83    1  ---  CC: Expression        
     13631 GMe --    176    12    71    1  ---  Control Change        
     13631 GMe --    176    13    28    1  ---  Control Change        
     13631 GMe --    176    14    11    1  ---  Control Change        
     13631 GMe --    176    15     0    1  ---  Control Change        
     13631 GMe --    176    16    86    1  ---  Control Change        
     13631 GMe --    176    17     0    1  ---  Control Change        
     13631 GMe --    176    18     0    1  ---  Control Change        
     13631 GMe --    176    19     0    1  ---  Control Change        
     13631 GMe --    176    20     0    1  ---  Control Change        
     13641 GMe --    176    21     0    1  ---  CC: 21 (E-MU)         
     13641 GMe --    176    22     0    1  ---  CC: 22 (E-MU)         
     13641 GMe --    176    23     0    1  ---  CC: 23 (E-MU)         
     13641 GMe --    176    24     0    1  ---  CC: 24 (E-MU)         
     13641 GMe --    176    25     0    1  ---  Control Change        
     13641 GMe --    176    26     0    1  ---  Control Change        
     13641 GMe --    176    27     0    1  ---  Control Change        
     13641 GMe --    176    28     0    1  ---  Control Change        
     13641 GMe --    176    29     0    1  ---  Control Change        
     13651 GMe --    176    30     0    1  ---  Control Change        
     13651 GMe --    176    31     0    1  ---  Control Change

Why I don't get states of pots #2 & #8 ????

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It seems that this is a bug in the "snapshot after power-on" feature. It has been implemented on a very dirty way - possibly values will not be sent when the saved pot positions were the same like the current positions. I will check this with the next release...

The voltage level is superb! It would be interesting if you also notice jitter when you increase or decrease the input voltage to the voltage regulator (@J1! -- I don't mean the 5V behind the voltage regulator). Does your PSU allow to vary the voltage?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks TK for the reply; This snapshot 'bug' is not so important for me - two pots not sending their state is not a problem at all, I just thought it may have something to do with jittering... but that's a total electronics newbie assumption.

About voltage: you suggest that I change voltage after 7805? I'll go to my friend (an expert - not dummy like me! :)) and try this idea...

thanks a lot

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Hey Rogic

About voltage: you suggest that I change voltage after 7805?

Before the voltage regulator (7805), so from J1... the 2 pins (J2) behind the 7805 are a +5v output, that could for instance, be used to power another core in a multicosre setup - details on this are on the core page on the site...

Some wallplugs allow u to vary the voltage, from say 7.5v-12v via a trim pot on the plug itself - I'm assuming T means this...



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