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Something is stopping power and lowering it to the half . .


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Ok, so: MIOS and bootloader are up-to-date, you propably never need to update them anymore.

Now it's time to debug the LCD. Infos can be found here:


On the other hand: if you can't wait to get some sounds out of the SID and want to troubleshoot the LCD later - just upload the MIDIbox SID application, and connect the SID module

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I think that trying to solder the LCD I killed it. Now I t does not turn on anymore. I soldered/desoldered it about 3 times . . . well, I 've got another question. I'm connecting the SID module to the core, and I don't know what schematic I have to follow. I'm following the optimized PSU, but I found this page and now I don't know what to do :

http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_sid_old.html.gen (I'm using a SID mudule R2) Thanks.

How should I connect the core to the SID so ? Thanks a lot.

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R2 is an older revision, so it has to be connected like described at the _old page.

There is an interconnection test application available, which you can use to ensure that you made everything right.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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