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Stereo SID


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after hearing my sid at work i wonder:

how do you deal witha "stereo sid"?

ok, lets suppose i build another core+sid module, and then? i think the only thing to do is connecting both unit to the same midi in and then "play them together" with the same patch. should the two SID produce slightly different sounds for a "stereo" effetc?

other ideas?

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Hi Matteo,

I've prepared an example which should demonstrate the possibilities. When you look for synthesizers today, you will notice that mostly the audio routine is the same: Oscillators -> Filters -> (EQs) -> Stereo spread -> Effects

The SID provides oscillators and filters, but everything else has to be attached after the Audio out in order to improve the sound (some years ago this was the common way, most synths only provided some cheap and useless effects...)

So, easiest way is to use a sequencer like Cubase or Logic, open the Audio In, attach some VST effects and activate the live playing mode :)

Here a comparison:


This well known tune from a C64 game is played only with a MIDIbox SID and some EQ improvements.


Here two slightly detuned MIDIbox SID are playing. It doesn't really sound interesting


and here a Stereo Delay has been inserted into the audio path. Do you hear the difference? ;-)

And the last example should show, that MIDIbox SID is not far from a Virus when you just add an chorus effect. In this example, three MIDIbox SID are played with the "Cool Brass" preset over the same MIDI channel. The oscillators of the first SID are not detuned, the second is transposed by -12, the third by +12


Have fun w/ VST! ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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