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problems with the "snap" mode (etc..)


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i have the old midibox 16 (v1.908 i think), and just today i mounted the LCD screen. everything works perfect, but when i set the "snap" or "relative" or "parallax" mde nothing happens!!! it seems that the pot behaviour is always set to "normal".

the behaviour is as following:

i switch to "snap" mode

i set layer 1 and all pots are at 0

i set layer 2 and all pots are at 0

now i turn back to layer 1 and move pot 1 to 64.

when i set layer 2, the pot 1 is at 64!! (even in the display!!!) i don't see the "arrows" that are supposed to indicate pot position before the "snap"... the only moment in which i see the arrows in the display is aftr startup...

what can be? ???

i have another question: if i burn the latsest midibox HP firmware in my PIC even with the old midibox16 hardware and PCB will it work?


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Hi Matteo,

as far as I know you are using an unofficial release which bypasses the "pot behaviour" menu and sets the mode directly depending on a logic level of pin C.4

So, before you are unhappy with this solution, just switch to V1.910

There is only one change necessary: RC4 has to be connected with the R/W input of the LCD. See the red wire http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/midibox_plus_16.pdf

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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i tried to burn the 1.909 version downloaded some time ago, but the behaviour remains the same...

the queation is: when i change the layer in my midibox16 in snap mode, should appear the arrows in the display, showing the pot positions??

this do not happen

i tried both with merger on (and masterkeyb in midibox in) and merger off (and midibox in connected to my soundcard midi ouput, with soundcard input connected to soundcard output)...

i have an idea about bypassing this problem with a short modification of the code, taking a "snapshot" of the setup just before bankswitch and restoring it just after....

maybe i can learn PIC programming!

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Ok, now I know what you mean. This is not a bug in the snap mode, but just another variation. When you take a look to the MB64 SFB event chart

http://www.ucapps.de/midibox/midibox64_sfb_table.txt you will notice that MB64 offers the possibility to switch banks with automatic saving. It depends on the "work-flow" which mode is the right for you. However, in MIDIbox Plus there wasn't place to integrate such an option into the menu, but sure, you can try it :) I will send you the source code.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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