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scanmatrix or dedicated connection to din?

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Currently I'm building a midibox64 and a 64e to create my own (xtra-large) ableton live controller.

Now my problem (or dilemma) is that I need at least 160 buttons and almost every button needs

it's own led to indicate if it's selected or not.

I've already searched on the wiki and the forum for information about switch matrix's but it isn't

clear to me how to combine the leds and buttons in a matrix with the result that each led light's up

when a button is pressed and sends out a midi CC to ableton.

Another possibility and better way is to receive the button information from ableton. But still I don't understand how to achieve this effect.

It's probably just all in the code, but maybe you can help me to clear up some things.

thanks in advance.


you have to build two matrix, one for the LEDs the other for the button..

Another possibility and better way is to receive the button information from ableton. But still I don't understand how to achieve this effect.

with the mb64 and 64E you can assign midi event to trig the LEDs within the serge's editor


The diodes prevent a short circuit when more than one button of the same row is pressed, so they are important.

1N4001 is a little bit oversized, 1N4148's are fine

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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