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Custom made controllers

PoorMan And RichSoul

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Hi Thorsten,

I started developing my own MIDI controller using an 8051 microcontroller last year. I wanted to learn more about microcontroller programming (using Assembly and C languages) , electronics, protocols, ...

It has been a total headache and now it is in frozen state...i'm not able to program some needed pot filtering routines and things like that. In part because of a lack of time, knowlegde and of course...money. After that I realized how hard it is to develop something like this "from scratch" and I must say I feel admired with this project, Thorsten.

Now I'm going to give MidiBox a try and I'll share everything I learn from it with the community because I think you and all the people here really deserve it.

Without more preambles here comes my request for permision...

I found a thread in a Spanish Video-Jockey community forum that I've just joined where they talk about DIY midi controllers.


I've made a proposal to the other members about building custom made controllers MBHP after having my own built. People there don't have time or simply aren't interested in learning electronics, programming, ... and I think I could help others building custom made midiboxes primarily because I enjoy doing it. First I need to have a my own midibox built as a prototype in order to realize how much time it will take me, how much could components cost and things like time spent on design, debugging, assembling, testing and, of course!, posting (specs, code, schematics, pictures,.. ) in this midibox forum.

Could I ask for some money (not much) when building them? It will take me lots of time and brains but I want to benefit the two communities so I've thought I could donate you some money for each midibox built by myself.

It's difficult to me to express myself in English. I'm sure I could have explained this better in Spanish  :-[  so lots of thanks for taking the time to read me!

PoorMan&RichSoul a.k.a. Toni Cruces

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Hi Toni,

after only one posting in this forum I cannot say if I've a good feeling about your venture or not. In general I'm always surprised, that people are asking for my permission before publishing all the design documentation to the public, or just presenting their completed MIDIbox and helping others to build the same, before thinking about selling it to non-DIYers. This is not the spirit I want to support.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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TK has put forth a substantial amount of effort in getting MIDBOX off the ground. He did it for his own personal use, and was willing to document it for everyone to share. He could have made money for the project, but has chosen not to.

I would suggest that if you ask for money for work, that you do it in the following way:

1 - first and formest, you can only charge for your LABOR and MATERIALS. IE you can certainly profit off the time you spend building a box for someone, but you cannot profit off the time that TK spent designing it in the first place.

2 - To be fair, you should buy kits from the suppliers listed rather than build your own. Why? you will continue to benifit the community. In this way, you pay for your right to use the MIDIBox platform for your own needs (IE the needs of the person you are building it for). The suppliers have incentive to keep them updated. Also, money trickles in to TK's wallet. Its only fair after all!

3 - you detail out the bill to the person. IE The midibox hardware kit costs are clearly stated, and the website you bought the kit from is clearly stated. You should not 'mark up' the kit costs. Other costs are included (material costs for the box, faders and pots, lcds etc), and finally your cost for your own time and labor invested.

If you do your best to be fair about it, you will realize that the production cost plus a small profit for your time equals more than an off the shelf unit. The only way to be fair about this is to point out that it is a custom unit fit for to the specific needs and desires of the person. The flip side is that YOU are responsable for supporting it through the life of the unit.

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Hi again Thorsten,

I understand your position. Mine would be the same in this case after having reread my post a couple of times. I've never built a midibox and I plan to ask for money...no words because this is not the way. 


As soon as I have some spare time I plan to start my midibox and then I'll start posting all about it. I'll show it finished and if I have enough skills I'll help others to solve problems or doubts without asking for nothing in return. My most sincere excuses.

Kind regards,

P.S: MRE, thanks for your answer too!!!

PoorMan&RichSoul a.k.a. Toni Cruces

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