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Where is MIOS studio? Gone?


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Tried some midi-ox uploading getting these from core:

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

LCD shows one bar of blocks in the top row (It's one of smash's LCD's) (I could have gotten wiring horribly wrong.)

Also when I tried to uoload MIOS the LCD started to fade

And my voltage regulator is running at burning-temperatures... Time for a heatsink!

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It sounds like a soldering or construction fault somewhere, from the heat description. I had an issue like that long ago. I'd double check everything before something bites it. Also don't go too high with the input voltage. Maybe someone else will chime in on the suggested range, but IIRC, it was closer to the desired 5V than I used to think (maybe 6-8or9V on input). You don't want the regulator to have to drop it by too much.

The black bars may still be OK if it hasn't gotten a solid MIOS dump in it yet. Also sounds like it's putting off the request properly.

I guess it's a matter of preference, but I'm quite partial to MIOSStudio for dumps (and everything else). I'm ashamed to admit, but I hadn't even bothered to pull the input monitor down until not too long ago. I used to bounce over to MIDI Ox for a bunch of stuff. Get MS back up and running if you can. Ox has given me much more trouble.

Take Care,


--- Almost forgot


Meeshka has announcement posts with release notes,etc. in the "MIDIbox Tools & MIOS Studio" forum here, so keep an eye on that. Also make sure you've got the Java bundle that it needs installed.

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Got MIOS studio, tried to upload this MIOS update (at top of download page):

Starting upload of mios_v1_9c_pic18f452.hex

Hex file contains code in MIOS range, forcing reboot!

Received Upload Request

Sending block 00000400-000004FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request


Perhaps wrong hex?



It's sending the sysex string Sysex message: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

after I try to upload the update files with installed mios, with old mios and the third file

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sounds to me like your Core isn't receiving MIDI for some reason. I've been having the same issue here, and haven't come up with a solution yet. You could try going through the steps on this page:


I'm starting to think my issue could be with my MIDI interface, but I also seem to have trashed my LCD somewhere along the way, which is a bit depressing  :(



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No one can roffle more than I am right now.

I put the optocoupler in backwards. You know... this wouldn't be the first time I've reversed IC's!

Core is uploaded! LCD interconnection test uploaded! Test FAILED!

I swear it's the wiring... I build sid this aftenün!

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Maybe that's what I did too....

I assumed the round mark on the top of the optocoupler indicated the end that should be nearest the indented end of the IC socket.

Would be great if this was the solution to me problem too. Got a funny feeling it isn't though...

Incidentally, I think I trashed my LCD by connecting it the wrong way around. I spend ages sorting out which wire went to which terminal on the display module, soldered it all up, then connected the ribbon-cable to the PCB header the wrong way around! Doh! It got very hot, and I unplugged it as quickly as I could, but after initially working OK (once I'd plugged the cable in the right way round), it's been getting progressively more flakey, until last night, it stopped displaying anything. The backlight still works though...


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I have the 2x20 LCD from smash. Unfortunately, the pin diagrams must be beyond me... I measured some digital voltages (all vss and vdd are good) and they are all low...

I thought MIOS sent some text out... I need to configure for a 2x20 LCD... I'll do that for the sid application.

I dont have visual studio ATM so I guess I'll compile with MASM? I have TASM but I'll use MASM.

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All of my problems are gone except that The bottom character line is shifted one pixel up... Is this because I am running 2x16 LCD programs? I just have the lcd connection test running

Also I am having a hard time overwriting this program code with MIOS studio. I am trying to upload sid application but the core never asks for an upload, I have tried restarting core and everything


NEVERMIND! Everything working well except pixel shift... I have to change around main.asm of SID app and see if that helps but other than that, I am done the core! Woohoo!

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Good to hear. :D

Doesn't heat up now that the opto's in right, does it?

I use 2x40's a lot here, and it seems anything with longer lines, running an app which just supports the 16 width, usually just aligns each row to the left edge (with a bunch of wasted space on the right), unless you change the offsets. I haven't seen any other weirdness, but they're all 44780 compatibles with pretty standard pinning.


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Well I should find offset in a main.asm (I'm building sid and I need to move second line one pixel down)?

Also, running off of a 15 volt PSU, I can power core and sid parallel if core is heatsinked.

A homemade heatsink made out of tinfoil would be enough but lucky me, I had one laying around. No components are hot either which is neat (or dare I say cool?) Not even the sid is heating much

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