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Let us talk FM!! or PM??


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Did you know this... Yamaha FM is really PM... ???


Any how, can you whit MBFM controll the drums from the wavetable sequenser (like a drummachine)?

I also need to know if there is some kind of filter? Not really needed since FM can produce mad sounds any way.. but can´t se any info on that.

If some one could give some demo sound examples on the drums it would be nice... (hell I want more demo sounds of the FM drums or not).

I am about to start my FM project. But since I fucked up desoldering my 512 I need to get more cards. I have finnished my SID rack for now.. How do I get it on MB of the week?


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The OPL3 itself doesn't include a filter, they have to be added externally, and controlled from an AOUT or AOUT_LC module. Up to 4 filters are possible (since there are 4 Audio Outputs)

The WT sequencer of MBFM cannot send MIDI data, a drum demo can be found on my webpage, in the last YouTube video I used them as well. Don't expect too much - they sound cheap (but I think that this is the special attraction ;-))

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 9 months later...

It is not the FM because that would mean very limited possibilities.

Only because "FM" Synths are actually doing PM (phase modulation), for example feedback loops are possible. With FM, the OP would cancel itself out at the point any feedback is added, resulting in no sound at all. There is lots of info on (by far not only) that in The Csound Book.

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