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thin 40x2 LCD ~5mm thick (for Akai S950)?

Mr modnaR

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Hi all, has anyone seen a thin led backlit lcd on their travels? just got an Akai S950, and although the screen and backlight work fine now, i'd like to know where to get an LED backlit screen to replace it with when/if it goes. the problem being that, because the original is EL backlit, the screen is very thin, although the mounting brackets are just little tabs, so i may be able to place the screen on the other side of the tabs if the screen has to be thicker.

the other problem is powering the backlight. i think the inverter+EL sheet combination is low current, so attaching an LED backlight to that circuit is going to cause bad things!!! any ideas on either problem???

thanks in advance

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I once damaged a nice blue backlight by wrong soldering, then I found a new orange +7.5V backlight. I finally managed it to get it behind the glass, but it was hell to get the pressure right on the LCD contact. The new backlight was about 0.5 mm thicker than the old one... this was definitely not the funniest thing to do.

Unfortunately I doubt it won't help you, if I tell you I got it from pollin.de?

=> http://www.pollin.de/shop/detail.php?pg=NQ==&a=NDQ4OTc4OTk=

Best regards,


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thanks for the link, but i need the lcd and backlight to be ~5mm, not just the backlight. sorry, should have explained better!!

the lcd on the s950 has an EL backlight which is just a sheet, which allows the whole unit to be about 5mm thick. i want to replace the whole lot with another lcd that has an led backlight (the idea being durability), but most lcds appear to be quite a bit thicker than 5mm!!

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Is that similar to the EL foil I've seen around for LCDs? I've got some 40x2s with 'no' lights at all and had looked at getting some weird colored foil. If that's it, how does it compare visually to a regular cheap LED backlight? If it's hard to do AND doesn't look all that great, I probably won't mess with it, but if it looks OK, it would be a fun challenge (I think it was under $10 US per sheet). The other option was edge lighting with LEDs or something.



PS- modnaR, a DJ I used to deal with here tried to give me a 950 last year, but I wouldn't take it (I didn't want to feel like I owed somebody). Thinking about how cool that old Akai stuff looked, I may ask about it next time I talk to him though. The racks are getting mighty empty looking in these "DAW times". :'(

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Is that similar to the EL foil I've seen around for LCDs? I've got some 40x2s with 'no' lights at all and had looked at getting some weird colored foil. If that's it, how does it compare visually to a regular cheap LED backlight? If it's hard to do AND doesn't look all that great, I probably won't mess with it, but if it looks OK, it would be a fun challenge (I think it was under $10 US per sheet). The other option was edge lighting with LEDs or something.



PS- modnaR, a DJ I used to deal with here tried to give me a 950 last year, but I wouldn't take it (I didn't want to feel like I owed somebody). Thinking about how cool that old Akai stuff looked, I may ask about it next time I talk to him though. The racks are getting mighty empty looking in these "DAW times". :'(

AC posted a link to an LED lightbox to go on one of those un-backlit lcds. it says it's 5mm thick on it's own.

you should definitely ask about the s950 again! if it's in good condition, i'll buy it!  ;D

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You might want to look for COG or TAB LCD's .... They're generally thinner because they compress or move the driver circuitry. Hope that helps!

thanks stryd. if the circuitry gets moved, where does it go to? there's limited space outside the industry standard outline of 182mm x 33.5mm. i'll try and take some pics to show eveyone. it'd be good if the lcds just went straight in, as anyone with a dud EL backlight would need worry no more. although they can be replaced, they will eventually go bad again. that's not to mention the inverters! (they buzz after a few years usage!)


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AC posted a link to an LED lightbox to go on one of those un-backlit lcds. it says it's 5mm thick on it's own.

Thanks! That sounds vaguely familiar. Do you by any chance remember what thread that was in or what might get it on a search (I just tried a few)? Seems I've read a site about using "side-lit" LEDs for that somewhere. ???

Sorry to change the subject,


PS- These are relatively "thin" as well. Looking at the one in front of me now, it's only 5mm from the PCB to the face of the bezel thing. A green lit one here measures almost twice that depth.

PSPS- Nice hat that bird's got himself. ;D

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that's the led light box. i don't remember the thread, perhaps AC can help you there.

personally, i don't like the EL foil backlight, it just seems dim to me. that's not just on the s950, but on other things i have too. the led backlights are just better imho, brighter and longer lasting.

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How are you finding the S950 Mr modnaR? I have fond memories of the S950's older brother, the S900. First sampler I ever used... ah.. happy times....

Surprisingly nice sound considering it's only 12-bit, as far as I remember. And you can reduce the sample-rate right down for really nice digital grunge.

I have heard that the displays on the old Akais are prone to failure thought, so you're right to think about replacing it.



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yeah loving it so far. managed to get memory expansion and ib109 (the SCSI + digital in board) which are on their way to me, so one happy camper really. been having fun with the timestretch too, doing 200% then pitching down to the original speed for some decimation type effects.

yeah the screen is ok, i think it's just the backlight that goes, which is easily replacable, but i prefer the brightness of the LED backlit or VFD. the only problem will be supplying enough current to the replacement, as EL backlights only use around 40mA, whereas LED backlights use around 300-400mA!! vfds are around the same, but that's on the 5V input to the screen rather than a separate input for the baclight, which kinda means they're out unfortunately.

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yeah loving it so far. managed to get memory expansion and ib109 (the SCSI + digital in board) which are on their way to me, so one happy camper really. been having fun with the timestretch too, doing 200% then pitching down to the original speed for some decimation type effects.

Ah, I remember now- that's the difference between the 900 and 950. No timestretch on the older model. I still have a stack of old Akai floppies in a box somewhere here, I think.

I used to have fun with the timestretch/pitchshift function on my Emu ESI-32 too. Timestretching stuff, then time-compressing back to the original length always seemed to mangle samples nicely. I've been using the ESI again recently, actually. I'm recording loops from old tracks so I can remake them as Ableton Live sets.



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