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Distinguishing between the 2 diff SID chips from the face


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So i'm trieng to get a few commodores on ebay but i dont know by looking at them which one they are. I just got this one... anyone know which chip is inside? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOIBSAA:US:11&Item=260083235020

that's mine, let me know so i can get one that is the opposite, I'd like to do a sid chip of each for my 2x sid synth. Thanks GUys! :)

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there's most definitely no 8580 in that one, they weren't used in those older models. they can be found in the newer grey 64c's and 64g's. even then, you can't tell just by looking at it. with a 64c though you can look underneath though the vent, if you're able to see the circuit board through the vent then it has an old board and is not an 8580.

you need to buy a newer model for the other SID chip.

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  Your C64 will absolutely have a 6581 chip. The revision number could be anything between R2 and R4 (from memory R1s are very rare I think, but it might be an R1). Regarding the chips and cases thing, there is a grey area:

  All of the original dark beige cases use 6581.

  All of the 8580 chips will be found in the newer cases, designation C64C, C64E or C64G. Notice the different phrasing here because:

  Not all of the C64C,E,G cases have 8580 chips. You can be virtually assured that the newer style case will contain either an 8580 chip, or a 6581 R4 chip, these chips have better (and more consistant) filter performance, the 8580 having a slightly better Signal to Noise ratio (in the region of 90dB, rather than >76dB, in the 6581 R4).

  I've heard of various means of finding the 8580s (The Prophet64 page suggests that 8580 boxes have the old school graphical symbols on top of the keys, as opposed to the front, but then suggests this is not a definite rule).

  Unfortunately there is no way to know before your 64 arrives.

Fortunately, MBSID is compatible with any of these chips, so you can just upgrade your MBSID with additional chips!! ;)

  Have fun!

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