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Weird SID noises


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I was playing with the MB_SID (18F) last night & tried loading the presets in from JSynth which seemed to work just fine, but....... about half of the presets are OK & the other half sound really crazy (different to when I was running a 16F)

The "crazy" ones all sound like a helicopter or something, modulation perhaps??

They are randomly scattered  throughout the patches ie. P1 is no good P2 is fine etc and all the new patches at the end of the presets sound like this!


When I play them from within Jsynth they are still weird

Any ideas???

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Hi Lo,

thats an imperfection in the PIC18F implementation which will be fixed with MIOS V1.2 --- problem: it takes a little bit longer to save values in a BankStick, as MIOS also verifies (read back & compare) the content. This enlarges the upload of new patches and can corrupt the data transfer.

There are two possible workarounds: upload the whole bank twice (yes, this works! ;-)) or change the delay between the patch transfers directly in JSynth:

synthdrivers/MIDIboxSID/MIDIboxSIDBankDriver.java, search for SlowSender.sendSysEx and increase the delay value from 500 to 750, go back into the root menu and compile the source with "javac synthdrivers/MIDIboxSID/MIDIboxSIDBankDriver.java"

MIOS V1.2 will provide a "fast write" function without verify which will solve this problem

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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