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Song mode: Are all patterns in sync?


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There is a strange problem that I could not put hands on; basically, when I have a song that changes a bunch of patterns set, on the change event, not all patterns are triggered at the same time.


A1 - Patterns B1 & B5

A2 - Patterns B2 & B6

When the sequencer is set to switch from part A1 to B1, pattern B1 changes to B2 on time but pattern B5 does not change to B6 on time, rather in a slight delay, which is problematic.

Is it a known issue? Have I configured something in error?


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It is a known problem with MBSEQ V2, and in fact there are much more inconsistencies.

The whole engine has been overworked in MBSEQ V3 based on the experiences I made with V2, so it's really worth a try!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I see.

Can I install v3 instead of my v2 and use the same hardware control surface which is based on the recommended layout and functions?

Will my data in banksticks will be readable by v3?

That way, I will work the same way but utilize a more recent codebase.


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Can I install v3 instead of my v2 and use the same hardware control surface which is based on the recommended layout and functions?

Yes, I'm using my V2 control surface as well. I've added a second 19" box for a button/LED matrix and 4 group select buttons, but this is only a freaky "nice-to-have" extension and not required to access all available functions. I used my sequencer 6 months without it, before I built it just for fun, and not because it's a "must-have".

Will my data in banksticks will be readable by v3?

No, they will be formatted during the first startup with v3 - the data structure has been changed for 32 step tracks and more control informations. A v2 pattern compatibility is not provided by the firmware itself, but in theory patterns could be converted with a special program

So, in fact you only need to replace the PIC18F452 by a PIC18F4620, and you will already be able to use the new firmware.

Hint: some PIC18F4620 have been recently offered for cheap money in the Fleamarket section by people, who bought it for their MBSID V2 (but which will need a PIC18F4685 in future)

In addition to the new PIC, at least one MBHP_IIC_MIDI module is useful. Details are listed here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=mios_pic18f4620&s=pic18f4620

Just consider, that MBSEQ V2 has been programmed 4 years ago... since this time I collected ideas of users and myself, which couldn't be integrated into the small PIC18F452 anymore, but which would be nice to have once bigger PICs are available. I also worked on solutions how to overcome known problems and limitations.

To say it short: the MBSEQ V3 firmware is a work of 10 months. It's not just a small upgrade, you will experience a completely different machine! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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