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Hello everybody

Mi idea is using a cc motor with an encoder to know the speed and sense of turn.

In the motor it´s necessary to transform the CA a CC and add a 5 volts limitor using a zener. This way you can connect it to a midibox and regulate the bpm with a potentiometer. That will be a little midibox64 modification.

I´m actually building my own phono with cds and rubbish-motors :D , to mantain the vinils enchantment i´m building it on an old technics.

I´m doing it based in the midi 1.0 rule. If anyone knows a newer one i´d be veeery thankful.









Wow look a turntable and some tools!  It's impressive how much useful information can be spread by attaching 800k of uncommented photo to a message.  </sarcasm>

I think some people are missing the intent of this section of the forum.

It's not a photo gallery, it's not where you blog about your slightly modified MB64 build, etc.

This is where we need to be talking about and supporting user written applications that are released or are working towards release.

Anything else is what the design concepts forum is for.

That said, Alogic could you edit your post to let us know what we are looking at, so we'll know if it needs to stay here, get moved to design concepts, or removed completely?  (I only mention removing it because there is no rational reason to leave a -single- 800k+ image up as an attachment, that is eating donated bandwidth for no good reason)

As usual nothing personal, just wearing the admin hat as needed.  ;)




¡Advertencia! ¡Traducción De Babelfish! :)

Ningún se preocupa de la fijación en español, el pescado de Babel es informativo y entretenido....;)

Usted los individuos después de este proyecto debe resolver una página del wiki de la multi-lengua para los ' boxeadores futuros.



Warning! Babelfish Translation! :)

No worries about posting in Spanish, Babel fish is informative and entertaining.... ;)

You guys following this project should hammer out a multi-language wiki page for future 'boxers.

Best Regards


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