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MBLC troubleshooting

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Hello Guys,

I was wondering if anyone could help me please, I have, literally today, put together my MBLC, on my LC there are 8 MFs, 42 buttons.  Therefore I have only used 7 shift registers (including touchsensors), I have changed the mapping in io_table.inc and have changed all unused shift registers to ID_IGNORE, is this the correct way to do it first of all?  In the main .asm file I have said that there are only 7 registers being used.

When I uploaded the hex file in mios studio it said upload successful, so I booted it up the LCD flashed something I thought wow it might actually work!  How wrong I was! For some reason the LEDs on shift regsiter 5 & 6 all light up, then I looked in MIDIIn on mios studio and this was happening:

00000000129867 ms | [90 14 00] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 0

00000000129875 ms | [90 14 7F] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 127

00000000129877 ms | [90 14 00] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 0

00000000129884 ms | [90 14 7F] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 127

00000000129886 ms | [90 14 00] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 0

00000000129893 ms | [90 14 7F] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 127

00000000129895 ms | [90 14 00] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 0

00000000129898 ms | [90 14 7F] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 127

00000000129900 ms | [90 14 00] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 0

00000000129907 ms | [90 14 7F] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 127

00000000129907 ms | [90 14 00] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 0

00000000129926 ms | [90 14 7F] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 127

00000000129928 ms | [90 14 00] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 0

00000000129933 ms | [90 14 7F] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 127

00000000129935 ms | [90 14 00] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 0

00000000129941 ms | [90 14 7F] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 127

00000000129943 ms | [90 14 00] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 0

00000000129948 ms | [90 14 7F] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 127

00000000129950 ms | [90 14 00] Channel 1: Note On G#0 velocity: 0

There were other note ons, too many to mention! This was happening by itself, does anyone have suggestions at why this maybe?

I then thought I would open Cubase, I set it up but these random messages were sending it hay-wire, starting and stopping recording selecting various channels, you get the idea!

I don't know if anyone can help me because I really don't know where to go from here!

Your help would be much appreciated!



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by changing the io_table.inc you must not change any #define.... line. You didn't, or?

You can begin to edit under the LC_IO_TABLE_LAYER0 line.

As you changed the mapping already, noone can tell you where G#0 came from. The best way to troubleshoot is (as styrd_one already said) to load the ain64_din128_dout128_v2_0.zip on the pic and test every DIN/DOUT Pin.

Post the result, and we'll see what to do further.

Another thougt: You wrote you use Touchsensors. You did change the resistors for the touchsensor DINs ? - And you also mapped the touchsensors to the right DIN?



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Thanks for replying!  I have found the problem, it was a dodgy bit of soldering shorting several inputs together and causing these random messages, the problem is now solved and the MBLC is working like a charm!  Only a few problems to iron out but nothing major!



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