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Shipping times from SmashTV?


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You could probably direct this to Smash himself... No need to talk of him in the third person ;)

Just a word of advice - don't expect that you'll have this working in such a short time. You've kinda left it too late :( It's more than possible to do, but yaknow, Murphy's Law... If I had a dollar for every post I've seen that goes "Help! I have a gig/university assignment due this week and my midibox doesn't work, I'm screwed, Please help!".... I would not have to work during the day ;)

Not trying to shut you down, but I just don't want you to rely on the midibox being there, cause it probably won't...and not because of smash's shipping times, but because you left it a bit late and Murphy is a bastard.  ;)

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that's cool...that's why I asked before just ordering it :)  but I went ahead and ordered one of Limor Fried's midisense kits, which is a lot simpler to build anyway and she said she could get it to me by the weekend...I just need a few controller knobs thrown into my x0xb0x anyway, not the awesome  expandability of the midibox.

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