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power probs


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More or lessed finished a MB64Seq box and all was working fine until I wired in (as described in the MB64 walkthrough) the power switch, LED and fuse(800mA slowblow) - the LCD went blank and starting going crazy with pixels then went totally blank :(. I checked volatge points and were it was +5v before it was now 5.6+ (even reachin 6-7V :(). However when i used the same wallplug wired direct to a DC socket then to the core (as when testing) the voltage levels was fine again..5V on the dot everywhere. The LCD didnt display any info tho (backlit still workin) :( so I think I may of cooked it ??? as hooking up another LCD displayed everything fine....

So I don't geddit - I've used the power switch/led/fuse combo in the exact same config on 3 previous boxes and all was fine with them but not with this one...any ideas ppl...



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A few possibilities, I can think of:

1. You *could* have had some short circuit and so burned out the ICs of your LCD. bad...

2. The connections of the circuit board to the LCD (I mean THE circuit board of the LCD) have been moved - happens seldomly, but could be. If the LCD shows nothing, I dont think its that. But anyhow: Open up the LCD (removing the metall thing there), and clean those plastic or rubber like two things there and put them in again exactly as you removed it. Just take care of putting them in again really central. Put the metall thing on again (has to be kinda tight!!).

*Could help*

3. Connect this LCD to some other appl., if it works there, it's weird.

Hmmm... thinking of more poss.. Will write again. *thinking...*

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