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no upload-request


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I've got a little problem with uploading the SID-app.

I've got a PIC18F4685 with MIOS 1.9d , and a Core-module from Smash.

If I power it on, it boots up, the Display (in 4-bit-mode due to the CAN connection with the slave, who is not connected at this moment.) shows first the MIOS-version, and then "Ready."

everything is how it should be.

If I connect it to the PC and power it up, I don't get any upload-requests. Neither Midi-OX nor mios-studio recieves anything.

I think I didn't swap the MIDI-connections and/or their polarity.

(btw.: I think I discovered a small error in the CoreV3-pdf: the Midi-out-port has 2 "M-" there.)

Any suggestions to solve this problem?




I solved this problem, but discovered another problem.

I described it below.

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Have you tested the core module before or is it new? I'm guessing you have a known-good PIC there that you could try in that core, but I'd check the voltages first... Prhaps you could try that PIC (the 4685) in the known-good core too?

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I'm just stupid.

I've soldered R8 in the wrong place  :P

Please delete this thread and make me a "midibox member". please.

I'm not joking. I just didn't deserve being a MB Tweaker.

I'm just a 16 year old pupil who likes DIYing.

Go on and read my last posts. Do you see anything helpful?

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GREAT GOOGLY MOO. :o :o :o :o


I've seen many people doing really great things with MBHP and in my eyes it's just

not fair if i'm a "tweaker" and they're just a member.

I just don't have the skills to be a "tweaker". I don't know anything about C and


Being a tweaker is kinda honor to me and I just don't deserve it...

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Yeh, well I'm a "guru" and you've helped me before, so STFU and puff up your chest, tweaker  :D

Serious man, I think you get to be a guru at 1000 posts or something, and I can assure you that I was no guru when I had that postcount. Don't take too much notice of the label, all it really is, is a marker of how much you chat.

Besides... You will be surprised how much you have learned. In 500 posts or so, you'll be a guru, and half of your guru-ness will be made up of what you know right now.

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You're sixteen and have built and troubleshot a MIDIbox core. That's pretty tweaky to me. At sixteen I was having trouble building fuzz boxes that worked first time, (and we're talking about 15 parts here!).

One day soon I'm going to build a radio kit - and make it work! From my first attempt at 11 to the last time I tried (18), I never ever got a radio kit to receive much of anything.

One definition of an expert is "a person who has made all the possible mistakes in a narrow field".

Some of the most important abilities are those that relate to finding and fixing your mistakes. Electronics offers a huge range of ways to make a technical fool of yourself. Add music,and you've got the ability to do it in front of an audience....

Perhaps we could do a thread. Believe me, putting one resistor in wrong doesn't come close to an early repair job of mine, where I replaced 4 very expensive power transistors in a hifi amp ..... the wrong way round, because I'd taken them all out when I tested them. I lost 2 weeks pocket money in 10 seconds. That was an early lesson to keep notes, and that NPN is collector Positive, PNP is collector Negative

You're doing fine - just keep on going.


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