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chords informations...


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i think i didnt understood well how che "chord1" type event should be used...

what is the meaning of S1 - S30 ??

i understood that this track has to be controlled by another track, which i set-up as a 3 notes event (note, note, note) and the chord1 track is playing the three note of this second track. but i cannot understand the working principle of S1-S30 value...

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I just have added following text:

Addendum to Event Mode 2: a second track is used as chord memory. Each step of this track stores a 3-note chord in Layer A/B/C, which can be triggered from the track which is running in event mode 2 (select S1..S32 for step 1..32 of the chord memory). The chord memory track can either be located in the same, or in a different pattern. This means, it is possible to define the chords globally for multiple tracks, and to change them independent from the other patterns. For correct visualisation, the chord memory track should be configured for event mode 4 (Note/Note/Note), and track mode should be "off" (-> Track Mode page), so that the notes are not played.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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