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DIN problems and configuration

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Am building a MB64. Have assembled most components and am now testing.

lcd connected, and mios and application has been uploaded. faders and potentiometers behave as they should.

The buttons on the other hand are not sending anything, and MIOS studio is not showing anything. I have only connected a handful and wanted to check the menu working. none of them do anything except for the menu/exec button, which send some rather random message?


Any suggestions of how I can troubleshoot this?


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Thanks for the reply! feels like meeting a celebrity, and to top it off....what i had done was connect din pins J2 to another din on pins j2...

yes...just knocked my head against the table a few times....need to shuffle the few brain cells i have left round a bit.

Still .... I have to live up to my name....maybe its working in the late hours of the day that add their special twist  ;)

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