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Ultra simple Sequencer App For Whammy WH4


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I'm wondering if there's anybody here that can help me.

I'm looking to build a controller pedal for my Whammy WH4. I want a box that will allow me to sequence MIDI values between 0-127 on channel CC11, and possibly a bank select switch on CC0.

My thinking is that I could use 16 sliders to control the notes in the sequence, and control the tempo or whatever through an encoder and LCD. Perhaps the LCD could be used to bring up presets?

So, does this sound like something that could be viable?

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You just described the original MB64seq hehehehe

Edit: That's a yes. Just use a timer (or the clockbox like the rest of us eh) to send the notes which you can store in an array, and then use ain_notifychange to change the contents in the array.

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Ermm, ok great, I think.

Actually no, you've lost me! How do I do it?

EDIT: Sorry, I don't want to look like an idiot here, but I have absolutely no skills when it comes to programming. By using ain_notifychange, does that mean I use a pot to scroll through values in a lookup table? If so, my thinking is that the notes can be entered onto an LCD screen, and only one encoder and a few buttons would be needed. Maybe have say 16-LED's to show which step it's on.

As I say, this isn't something i'd be able to code myself, I know that for sure since I don't have time to learn enough to get me to this standard (I already work two jobs), but if somebody was willing to do the code, i'd certainly do all the hardware stuff. I know at least three of my friends would jump at the chance to have one of these on their pedal board.

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Of that, I have no doubt at all! But as I said, I don't have the tech skills to know which bits are needed and which are not, so I guess it's a non starter. I don't think that this app would benefit from having the two long LCD's and 16 knobs. It would be just as easily programmed using a 2x20 LCD, encoder and some buttons. Think MBSID step A. In which case, MBSeq is massively overcomplex.

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