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push encoders for seq v3.2


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Hello everybody

i plan to put my future seq in a 2U rack unit.(already bought)

is it a good solution to use encoders with an integrated push button ? the push b. should replace GP1-16.

i don't have a seq already so i don't know if it is a good idea with the ergonomy of the seq.

another solution would be to use the push of the encoders for play stop pause F1 F2, etc ... all those functions at downside of the design made by TK.


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I wouldn't do it. 

That was my plan as well, but I was told that you sometimes need to push a button and turn an encoder at the same time.  It would also be really easy to turn a knob and change a parameter accidentally when trying to push the button. 

Just read down a few messages either here or in the supplies section, and you should see the post from me.  I just asked a few days ago.

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I thought of that myself before I got my first encoder with integrated button. After few turns and pushes I left that idea. It is OK to use that button only if you must, because of the very limited space and in some other applications but not sequencer. For 2U rack, better go with smaller, separate buttons than integrated. 2U rack is not so small. Here is the good example of PayC`s beautiful sequencer...


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