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JSynthLib... what's up?


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Does anyone know what's going on with JSynthLib?  As in, is anyone working on it?  Is anyone interested in picking it up?  I'm having a couple problems with the patched version offered by TK.

1) I start a new library and select "Get" to pull settings from a synth.  Right now, all I have is a Yamaha TX802 to do things like this with.  I can cause the synth to do a sysex dump of whatever I like, but when I hit the "Paste" button to put that stuff in the library I just created, nothing happens.  Nor does anything happen when I press "Done".

2) Compiling the latest CVS barfs on one of the Roland drivers with a litany of complains of symbols it couldn't find.

>:( >:( >:(

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