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newb here: question about the ceramic cap


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I have very little electronics experience, but I am learning now.

I am reading, and I will continue to, but I have a question to which I cannot find the answer anywhere -

is the ceramic cap damaged if you bend the leads to closely to the ceramic? i cracked the legs (where the ceramic stops), and I am wondering if it will affect the funtionality. Is there a way to test if mine is ruined?

the final result should be a MIDIbox SiD, if all goes well.

I await your responses! I am ecstatic !

pk, montreal

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There are possibities to meassure it with a multimeter with a range for capacitor.

You can also meassure the resistor of it to see if it has a short.

But the best thing would be to buy a new one, they are very cheap and the risk of an

later appearing proplem would be solved.

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If you only cracked the ceramic part (a little piece came of or similar) - that´s no problem at all. As long as *the wire* is not damaged (!!!). Anyhow measuring the resistance of it is indeed a good idea, if it got no short (meaning a resistance higher than 100 kOhm) everything´s just fine. If it´s less that value I would abandon it also.

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