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IIC not working


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Hello. I am having problems with my IIC module hooked up to the core for SEQ 3.2. I think it is not even getting power. Shouldn't the green led of the IIC turn on when you power the SEQ? When I turn on the SEQ I only get a brief flash from the red (tx) led. Software is loaded to the core and cores midi in and out work. I also have the RI line connected to J6 SI which is going to the RI pin on the first and only IIC. and yes it is only connected to the first IIC and it is the right pin out of the two possible on smash's board. I am only trying one IIC module to test with both jumpers on and tried without jumpers on just to see. On smash's core pcb the two pins to the far left on J4 (by the rectifier) are these used?

I did not wire these two pins to anything as I thought they were there for ease to use 10 pin IDC connectors. So I have pins 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 running to the IIC module properly I think. I had to align the cables in the IDC connector going to the IIC module and also include the J6 SI connection to pin 5 of the IDC so it goes to the RI pin of the IIC. Is there some basic thing that I am not thinking of? I followed the wiring diagram (below) for the midi jacks and tried moving the pins around on the IIC pcb for midi in and out because I was never really sure which pin went to what on the IIC PCB. I.E on the midi in jack itself does the 2nd to the left pin go to the left IIC header and nothing gets connected to the middle pin and the 4th pin (2nd to the right) goes to the header on the right? Or does pin 2 on the jack go to the header on the right and pin 4 goes to the left header. I am looking at smash's board right side up like his diagrams are. On his board I can't tell which is positive and which is negative if thats the proper terminology. Ground is middle right?

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Without loosing to many words: so long the green LED doesn't lit, the PIC16F88 firmware is not running.

Possible reasons: +5V/GND (Vs/Vd) not available at PIC (check voltage between pin #5 and #14, should be 5V), crystal or 15 pF caps not soldered properly, firmware not burned correctly (probability low)...

Or is the green LED not connected correctly? (check 220 Ohm resistor and polarity of LED)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Well I soldered the led the other way and it didn't work then I redid my wiring and now the green light lights up. IIC still doesn't want to transmit like my core's in/out. My midi jack wiring is not right I think. The pcb mount one works fine on my core so I think I have some connection wrong from the IIC midi out to the midi jack. I have it where going from left to right with the arc going across the top of the connector as pin 2 for positive, pin 3 for ground and pin 4 for negative uh.... On the midi in I only soldered pins 2 and 4 of the midi jack to the IIC left and right pins and not the middle pin (ground). I have switched around the connections on the IIC but not the midi jack. My question is do I need to?

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No, it should be sufficient to swap the pins at one side for this check (so in your case: MBHP_IIC module).

There is a iic_midi_sw_loopback test available at the MIOS Download page, did you already try this? It's very useful for debugging the hardware.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Alright. I got my leds to light up on the IIC. When I use the midi in on the IIC the yellow recieve led comes on like its supposed to but the seq doesn't respond to remote midi from the IIC's midi in (only the core) I can't get the midi out of the IIC to spit out notes either (again only the cores midi out works). I moved pins around on the IIC side of the midi in/out jacks but no luck there. Next question. On the midi jack is the pin thats all by itself on the bottom of the jack the ground connector? I wired the 3rd middle pin to ground and not this bottom connector. Could that may be it?

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The bottom connector is normaly connected to shield, but it will also work without. It would even work if no ground is connected to the middle pin, as MIDI is a current loop.

When you are writing "got my leds to light up" - does this also mean, that the Tx LED is flashing when a MIDI event is tranmitted over the IIC port?

Receiving MIDI data: did you connect the RI_N output of the IIC_MIDI module with J6:SI of the core module?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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"got my leds to light up"

The yellow recieve indicator lights up every time I press a key on my controller keyboard.

did you connect the RI_N output of the IIC_MIDI module with J6:SI of the core module?

Yes I did. I also made sure that the RI_N header was the one that was actually going to something on the board (since there are two and the other header goes to nothing) (smash's 10 pin idc style board)

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